Monday, June 20, 2011

Budget reply - one week left to get your views heard!

Some key points you may feel are not appropriately addressed in Council 2011/12 budget:
  • How does Ewing park receieve a budget of $350K without any significant pre-planning document in place unlike Wolstencroft?
  • Why does council continue to ignore the needs of this community despite so many years of campaigning?
  • Why does a $700K taxi rank to cater for late night CBD patrons take precedence over a multi-use, passive recreational, open space area capable of serving the needs of families from 4 suburbs (Flora Hill, Quarry Hill, Kennington and Bendigo)?
  • Does a $10,000 allocation in this year's budget to 'spread soil and sow seed' simply mean Wolstencroft Park is done and dusted?
  • On what page of the Wolstencroft Park master plan is this ($10,000 spread soil and sow seed) action specified?
  • Why hasn't council completed soil tests consistent with EPA regulations to achieve a Certificate of Environmental audit or Statement of Environmental audit? Is there something to hide? Is this site in fact an environmental hazard? How would this be viewed in the media?
Please write in THIS WEEK to make sure that Council knows how many people in our community are disappointed with their treatment of residents who want Wolstencroft Park.

WAAG meeting recap - decision time

On May 30 representatives of WAAG met to discuss the latest information (or lack thereof) at Wolstencroft Park and to consider the options for future direction.
As most people will be aware a group of residents met with Cr Sandner just prior to the release of Council’s 2011/12 draft budget to seek assurance that the interests of the community were being supported and progress on the implementation of the Wolstencroft Park master plan actually existed.
What we are now able to confirm is that neither is being achieved.
Based on the information provided by Cr Sandner from our earlier meeting, subsequent information obtained from various sources within and outside Council (including budget details) and a follow up email from Cr Sander with responses to specific questions, it is obvious we are no closer to achieving the objective of stage 1 of the master plan being implemented next financial year. Suffice to say, nor is there much confidence from the detail provided to date that action is forthcoming in future years.
So where to from here?
Council’s "generous" decision to allocate $10,000 in next year’s budget to ‘spread soil and sow seed’ at the parkland site naturally elicits anger and frustration and therefore a temptation to adopt an adversarial approach in response to both Cr Sandner and Council as a whole.
Individually people are free to respond how they see fit and there is no doubt an expression of disappointment is warranted and certainly encouraged by every one who has an interest in seeing this park land being developed.
However, discussion at the May 30 meeting centred on the ‘pros and cons’ of how WAAG should respond and it was decided (based somewhat on the collective and individual energy required) that there is very little to gain in taking an adversarial approach and a lot more to gain in ‘taking’ what has been offered (the $10,000) and using it to shape a realistic pathway to success in the future. It’s important to note ‘taking’ does not mean ‘accepting’. In fact given the incompetency the community has endured over the past 5 years one could argue accepting nothing less than an apology from council and a genuine attempt to develop a constructive working relationship (with the community ) is required.
So, this isn’t a standstill but an opportunity to re-strategise if you like and hopefully eke an outcome we are all satisfied with in years to come.
Strategies discussed in how to proceed from here were discussed and further information about the outcomes from this last meeting is available. If you would like to offer your support in other ways too, then WAAG would love to hear from  you.
In the meantime let your Council know what you think about their budget decisions and continue to campaign loud and strong for our park land - there is only one week left for replies to the draft budget to be received!